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Showing posts from August, 2019

23aug19 oil and gas status ongoing in the abc islands and curacao

gas y petroli bow di e abc isla hanja for 1981 door Houston Texas


Dear brothers and Sister, I will explain and provide all the PROOF as i said before, in many of my postings that the Queen was the one who ordered this Brother to Die, because of the Gas agendas on going. Ronald Wederfoort

Elton Montesant was Murdered because he KILLED HELMIN WIELS on 5 May 2013.

Elton Montesant was Murdered because he KILLED HELMIN WIELS on 5 May 2013. Herdenking overleden renners Het is vandaag een jaar geleden dat drie op Curacao op hoge snelheid werden aangereden. Hierbij werden Monique van Meerwijk, en oud marinier Elton Montesant en Kristen Leyba dodelijk geraakt. Gisteren werd een herdenking voor de renners gehouden door leden van de Road Runners Club Kòrsou en andere betrokkenen. Dear brothers and sisters how are you all today. You all wanted to know who had KILLED your BROTHER HELMIN WIEL”S? HIS NAME is Elton MONTESANT, OK, Let continue. Ronald Wederfoort

HELMIN WIEL’s was SHOT by a DUTCH NAVY SEAL retired which his name was Elton Marcus Montesant, and later he him self was setup.

HELMIN WIEL’s was SHOT by a DUTCH NAVY SEAL retired which his name was Elton Marcus Montesant, and later he him self was setup. Subject:  HELMIN WIEL’s was SHOT by a DUTCH NAVY SEAL retired which his name was Elton Marcus Montesant, and later he him self was setup. Dear Brothers and Sisters how are all of you, I have so many things to share with all of you, we have been working very hard in our groups to investigate and bring the TRUTH out. So we wanted to start with this because many of you wanted to know how our Brother HELMIN WIEL”S was killed, and who ordered his execution. But many of you know because many of you are on their Payroll.  The QUEEN was always in control, and she was the one who was pulling all the stings and all his groups did what she told them to, and many times they were also eliminated.  So my brothers Elton Marcus Montesant was setup by his own Colleagues. He was a retired Dutch Navy Seal...

MY MEETINGS WITH Elton MONTESANT (67) ex-AOOMARN Before his suspicious Death Accident on august 4 2013

MY MEETINGS WITH Elton MONTESANT (67) ex-AOOMARN Before his suspicious Death Accident on august 4 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have some information which i wanted to share with you what I have been talking to Elton Montesant. I say him twice on Saturday  at TOPOGIGO in the Rodeweg, where i saw him every time meeting with 2 Dutch Intelligence Officer. After his conversation with them in the Corner, he used to sit and have drinks with his friends, He was a very nice person. I approached him, and told him what I was doing and also about the OIL wells and Pipes at Boca Sami bay. I asked who are you, He said you would Believe me, but i am in the SPecial Services for the Netherlands. And if I would tell you what i have being you would believe TRUTH, what my mission were. Then i said what do think about the OIL Agenda in Curacao. He told me I will tell you this i was also working on that specific Drill Ship on Boca Sami, and yes we...


MY OIL AND GAS ADVENTURE IN CURACAO (ABC Islands) Dear brothers and sisters of the WORLD, It had been many years where i have been analyzing the Oil and Gas Agendas In Curacao, and sins OIL and GAS was found the GAME changed on the island. As i kept Posting and providing detail information every one went against me and  my Soulmate. Yes my brothers and sisters I still remember all those situations we have experienced from many of my brothers and sisters against us. One day when this is OVER we will sit down and laugh about them, But they were my experience how everyone went against us for MONEY, or CREDIT or Favors. Even my families and friends turn against me, I even filed a record of the Drilling which was on going with the OM and the Police department, and ...

Curacao huge bubble of gas found in 1981 around the abc islands , which Represents 30% of the World Gas Reserve and could provide for 30 years Gas for the Whole World.

Curacao huge bubble of gas found in 1981 around the ABC islands , which Represents 30% of the World Gas Reserve and could provide for 30 years Gas for the Whole World .

If Curacao had Light Crude Oil, Heavy Crude Oil and also Gas, would you sell it or give it away to Colony of the Netherlands or other Corporations?

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Curacao, Lets say we found out that we are the only Country in the world that has abundance and the Best light Crude Oil, Heavy Crude Oil in abundance, and also the Largest Gas Bubble in the World, would you sell it or give it to your Colonizer, or any corporation who wants help you mine it or would like to be  INDEPENDENT? Soon you all will find out the real Truth, what would you do than, tell them to give it back? Your leaders all of them tricked you in believing that its not true, but soon the Truth will come out. Sincerely Curacao Caribbean & International Compliance Solution. (CCICS) Ronald Wederfoort (President) 5999 5156118 Tweeter :@usacuracao YouTube - FACEBOOK - Linkedin

Email to Mr. Zhang Weixin, Chinese Consul-Generals to Willemstad, CONFIRMED RECEIVED at Today at 2:22 PM

    Molefi Serame  <> Today at 2:22  PM To Ronald Wederfoort CC Liustex-gmt Winduliu Message body Yes, I have received it.  On Wed, 04 Apr 2018, 18:16 Ronald Wederfoort < > wrote: Dear  Mr. Zhang Weixin,  Chinese Consul-Generals to Willemstad, Could you confirm back you have received this email, Thank you. Ronald Wederfoort GOOGLE BLOG: Email: Email: Phone: 5999 5156118 —– Forwarded Message —– From:  Ronald Wederfoort < > To:  Ronald Wederfoort < >  Sent:  ...