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Dear brothers and sisters of the WORLD, It had been many years where i have been analyzing the Oil and Gas Agendas In Curacao, and sins OIL and GAS was found the GAME changed on the island.
As i kept Posting and providing detail information every one went against me and  my Soulmate. Yes my brothers and sisters I still remember all those situations we have experienced from many of my brothers and sisters against us.
One day when this is OVER we will sit down and laugh about them, But they were my experience how everyone went against us for MONEY, or CREDIT or Favors.
Even my families and friends turn against me, I even filed a record of the Drilling which was on going with the OM and the Police department, and i made copies and gave each of the Parliamentarians a copy of my Findings and Pictures, and detail PROOF.
So all of them KNOW the TRUTH, I even went to all the MEDIA to show them the PIPES which were at BOCA SAMI, where COT is located, and none of them wanted to POST them.
I went to PUEBLO SOBERANO party and I gave HELMIN WIELS organization when he was alive all the information.
SO MY BROTHERS and SISTERS they all KNOW the TRUTH, and they are PROTECTING the QUEEN BEATRIX his Plan to hide the TRUTH form the PUBLIC.
But we are still in the GAME NOW they have FOUND GAS at the OIL terminal in their Last Drillings using FRACKING technology.
So the FIGHT is what is going to happen with ISLA NOW, that is the PROBLEM.
But I have much more information for all of you  you will not believe.
Have a nice day
Ronald Wederfoort


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