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The United States is in the midst of unprecedented transformation. A sudden abundance of energy resources – particularly natural gas, but also oil and renewables – has fundamentally changed our outlook for growth, jobs and the environment.
Natural gas sits at the center of this revolution. Surging supplies translate into lower prices for the many goods and services of which natural gas is a part, including fuel, fertilizer, electricity, raw materials and more.

what is natural gas?

Natural gas is the cleanest burning conventional fuel, producing lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than the heavier hydrocarbon fuels, like coal and oil. The advantages of natural gas include its efficiency, abundance, and versatility. Historically, natural gas also has been one of the most economical energy sources. By 2040, U.S. households are on track to save an aggregate $100 billion – roughly $655 per household per year – thanks to the rising use of natural gas.

what is natural gas used for?

Natural gas can be used to fuel electric power plants, heat buildings and is used as a raw material in many consumer products, including plastics.

did you know?

By 2040, total energy demand is expected to increase by nearly 30 percent worldwide. Driving that demand is the growing use of energy by billions of people living in developing nations.
Finding ways to sustain growth while lowering emissions is a growing imperative. Though U.S. carbon emissions shrank last year, they have continued to grow worldwide. In coming decades, as new cities, factories and infrastructures rise around the world, U.S. natural gas can help fuel our energy demand and economic growth, both at home and abroad.

what is chevron doing?

Chevron is engaged in every aspect of the natural gas business – exploration, production, liquefaction, shipping, pipelines, marketing and trading, power generation, and gas-to-liquids. We hold the largest natural gas resource position in Australia through the Gorgon and Wheatstone projects and the North West Shelf Venture. We also have significant natural gas holdings in western Africa, BangladeshChinaIndonesiaKazakhstan, North America, thePhilippines, South America, Thailand and the United Kingdom.

U.S. net production

billion cubic feet per day in 2018

international net production

billion cubic feet per day in 2018

total net production

billion cubic feet per day in 2018
Chevron expects to substantially increase this volume over the next decade.

where is natural gas found?

Natural gas is found around the world in underground rock formations. Often, natural gas reservoirs are near areas where other fuels – like oil – are found. Although world natural gas resources are plentiful, the regions with natural gas surpluses are often oceans away from the greatest demand. Chevron has the capabilities required to develop resources and deliver natural gas to markets where its use is growing.


  1. What is natural gas used for is an important topic. It is mainly used in vehicle and to produce energy. Here I found more details. Thanks


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