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Ronald Wederfoort Donation to the Curacao Medical Center

Ronald Wederfoort Donation to the Curacao Medical Center

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Dear Curacao Medical Center Management,

I have received your Email, and I wanted to share my Point of view before going into details of the
Donations which I would be giving to your Organization.

My name is Ronald Allan Wederfoort, and Yes i am Citizen of Curacao, and my background
is IT Consultant Specialist and also into the Financial Industry which is in the process of changing
from a Fiat Credit Money System to a New Gold Backed Systems which is now replacing all those
no more needed Payments as Loans, Interests, Mortgages all these will not be in the new Systems.

I understand also what your Organization and the Local Bankers are going threw, when going from an old System to a new System, where you will meet all those unexpected situations with Funds and Fees of Consultants, and new Modification and Enhancements and preparing the staff and personal to implement and use all those new Protocols and procedures. I have gone threw many of this situations especially during the Y2K era, where all the Allocated Funds which we had planned exceeded the Budgets.

  Image result for Henry Shein Long Island City

HENRY SCHEIN INC, ( Dental Supplies and Medical Supplies) was one of the Many Projects which I as many others had to upgrade their Systems using ORACLE JDE WORLD and ONE World Application platforms. So its not easy, and the Challenges are big, because the Public and the Clientele who don't understand all the implications of the Implementation of such a task.

So i understand what you all must be going threw and all the Pressure of everyone to see the projects done,
There are groups that want to see you all fail, so they can blame you all for not doing your Job.

So to continue on my Donation, I have been blessed with some Donations in Dubai by the LORD, and would like to donate a couple of Millions to the Curacao Medical Center, but I need to document what the funds are going to be used in the Hospital for my record, because everything must be documented for
further reference if needed, because of the New regulations with the New Banking Compliance Rules.
Also I will be providing documentation and Proof of Funds Certificates..

There are many ways we can help, so we would LOVE to have a meeting with your Group,
so we can introduce our self and to know each other.

Thank you for accepting our invitation, and we will be waiting for your Invitation if you decide to do so.

Have a Blessed Day.

Ronald Wederfoort

Syreeta Wansing <

Syreeta Wansing
Bestuurssecretaresse Curacao Medical Center

T +5999 74500 00 (ext.1154)


J.H.J. Hamelbergweg z/n
Willemstad, Curaçao
T +5999 745 0000


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